Executive Search
Our executive search consultants have a track record for finding innovative, world-class, diverse leaders for critical management positions within the fields of energy, manufacturing, life sciences and fintech. We employ psychological testing, background and education checks to ensure long-term placements.
Board Recruitment
You’re looking for diverse, globally-minded board members who will bring significant and relevant operational experience to the table. You need strategic advice, market insights and global connections. We know this world. We can help.
Read More“We have an incredibly talented team of seasoned professionals, with specific industry experience, who go above and beyond to ensure that each placement is carried out with precision.”
Bernard van der Lande
Managing Partner
Our principals and partners are experts in multiple disciplines, from organizational development and finance to advanced manufacturing and life sciences.
We take time to learn industries from the inside and to study their markets, ensuring we fully understand the critical issues facing our clients. To ensure we are able to offer a fully multicultural and multilingual global presence, Tula has partnered with Agilium Worldwide Executive Search Group.
All search firms look for people to fill jobs. We do more. We seek out and present strategic solutions. And do it flawlessly every time because on-the-job training is not part of your plan. Here’s how we work...

Develop Profile
We develop a Recruitment Profile and submit it to you for your input and approval. This is our guide against which we measure a potential candidate’s qualifications.

Implement Strategy
We go beyond the standard social media searches to conduct systematic research into selected companies and targets, industry sources, competition, selected specialty databases.

Evaluate Candidates
Candidates are evaluated and pre-qualified through extensive telephone interviews, targeted in-person meetings and reference checks.

Present Candidates
We develop a presentation of the background and experience of each final candidate. This includes personal information, work experience, skills, salary history, etc.

Career Summary
We assemble a report defining the candidate’s technical and managerial capabilities, achievements, strengths and areas to be developed. Final candidates are ranked in order of qualifications and preference.

Reference Checks
In-depth reference checks are conducted to clarify key points and confirm a conclusion prior to or directly after an offer is made.